Registering PSM Degrees
- All PSM degree programs or program tracks must be approved by your campus governance, SUNY program review, and the NYS Education Department.
- To use the "PSM" brand and logo, PSM degrees must also be registered by the PSM team at the Council of Graduate Studies (CGS) in Washington.
Best Practices
- Schedule focus group meetings to assess industry needs.
- Do market research and seek input from each PSM advisory board.
- Attend SUNY PSM statewide and national meetings when feasible.
- Serve as an advocate for your PSM program.
- Collaborate closely with your PSM Advisory Board(s).
- Identify specific attributes in your curriculum and determine metrics to assess your students learning outcomes.
- Conduct exit surveys with the students and incorporate their suggested improvements into program changes.
- Track PSM graduates to collect data on employment, starting salary, etc.
- Review the curriculum regularly.
- Assign someone to coordinate the PSM internship for the students.
- Hold PSM showcase/poster sessions to illustrate the skills and talents of your students.
- Invite employers to functions that promote interaction.
- Include laboratory experiences to ensure that students get practical
hands-on experience.
Faculty Buy-in and Benefits to the Faculty
- Demonstrate the benefits of PSM programs to the faculty.
- Meet periodically with PSM faculty and advisory board members to discuss PSM
related issues.
- Encourage your senior administrations commitment to your PSM program(s).
Financing the PSM
- Seek external funding through NSF, other government agencies and private foundations.
- Consider charging a program fee or surcharge fee for the PSM program to deliver
“plus” courses.
- Share “plus” courses with other campuses and also consider sharing other specialized PSM courses, in order to create additonal sustainable enrollments.
- Seek paid internships for students to help offset the tuition costs of the program.
- Create a separate website for the PSM program and link other PSM programs.
- Update your PSM website and print materials regularly.